Saturday, February 27, 2010

Right now I am finding it incredibly difficult to believe that I week from today I will be in an entirely different country. After approximately 27 hours spent on airplanes and airports I will be on the other side of the world. The time spent traveling seems more than reasonable for that kind of magical transportation (and yet, if you were to ask me how I feel about it on hour ten of the fourteen hour flight to Seoul, I might answer quite differently).

Am I ready to go? No. Not at all. I need to clean, I need to pack, I need to make a million lists, and do a million tiny errands. I need to say some serious goodbyes. But will I be ready by the time I board my plane? I sure hope so.

The truly important question: how many pairs of pretty shiny heels do I get to take with me? None. I've got a pack (brand new and pretty blue from REI) and I plan on fitting six months worth of material goods into it and onto my back. That in itself will be an adventure. In restraint.


the_deuceCuatro said...

good luck preggers, i look forward to reading about your experiences

Anonymous said...

Poor cousin, no shiny high heels for a whole 6 months??? How will you stand it?

Alissa said...

don't worry...
you'll find plenty of shiny $3 high heels for sale on the streets :)

the real challenge is stopping yourself from buying tons of ridiculously cheap stuff! so pack light!