Monday, June 28, 2010

I spent this past weekend in Bangkok. But on Sunday I desperately needed to escape the concrete and highways of city life, so I went to this little tiny island (Ko Kret) in the river just north of the city, to spend a couple hours wandering around shops and seeing handmade pottery being made. Most importantly, I went for a long walk and admired all the greenery.

one of the temples on the island

a house on the shore

green! the most vibrant swamp you could ever imagine.

a tiny house seemingly floating in that vibrant swamp of green

almost forgotten little shrines, hidden around the trees

an orchid in its natural habitat


Unknown said...

Your adventures look pretty incredible Emily, but I can only assume that after you came out of that wonderful swamp, you were covered in green too? A big walking fuzzy bush with orchids dangling off of you.

Emily said...

I wish!! but no, I tried to leave the beaten path but was reprimanded by a thai potter. he shook his finger and put a serious face on. I think something scary must have been lurking in those waters.