Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from Samarinda!

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with a group of students, teachers, and friends. We had Indonesians, Americans, and even an Ecuadorean. Our Thanksgiving feast was a delicious spread of roast chicken, potatoes, mushroom soup, roasted veggies, and fresh rolls. No cranberry sauce, stuffing, or pie, so it wasn't as good as celebrating at home, but since nothing is as good as celebrating at home, I think we made the best of it.

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday and calling home that evening to get in on the "Do we really need more bread?" debate made me miss all the friends and family (and food!) back home. The phone call didn't last nearly long enough, and when I got cut off I resigned myself to imagining the smell of sauteed celery and onions, mushrooms, and sausage while watching the bowl of bread overflow.  Soon many hands would reach into the two (because there is too much to mix in just one) bowls of stuffing for the time-honored taste-testing tradition. More poultry seasoning. More salt. My mom always gets the final decision on when its ready, and then we turn ourselves to the next task of overcomplicating a giant game of Cat's Cradle so we'll be able to lift the turkey out of the pan when its ready. Thanksgiving is a time to be surrounded by people you love and to be very very full of food but still save room for pie.

As I write this blog, I know that having slept off the initial feast, everybody at home is waking up to that perfect breakfast of coffee, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. So I'm drowning my sorrows in my sister's homemade biscotti (best care package ever!) and remembering that I am hugely grateful for the job I have and the place I'm living right now. I am so lucky to have this opportunity to live in Samarinda and make my small way as a member of this community. I am thankful for the beautiful places I get to see, the incredible people I get to meet, and the fact that I touched a giant sea turtle last weekend.

 Thanksgiving dinner. Smiling, hungry faces.

For all but 3 of us, this was the first Thanksgiving.

The feast.

Thank you!!

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